Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Lindzee O'Michaels focuses on quality beers in Park City

New bar carries only the highest-rated beer, wines and spirits
Posted: 07/21/2009 04:20:21 PM MDT

Lindzee O'Michaels knows beer. Lindzee is not a woman, it's one of the newest businesses on Main Street, It opened in May and already has a loyal following.
"I consider it one of the finest bars in town. It has the best beer selection and some of the greatest bartenders in town," said client Rich Williams, who said he stops in several times a week.
Client Jeff Prows predicts Lindzee O'Michaels will become the heart of Main Street.
"They've pretty much got anything anybody would ever need," he said.
Proprietor Steve Liebroder said he'd like to build a reputation of having the highest-quality beers and spirits. He uses the website to find out what beer aficionados are calling the best brands and brews. Then that's what he carries.
Liebroder said the time is right for such a place in Utah. He said he's been in the bar business for 25 years and has owned bars in the Salt Lake Valley for many of those. In the past, it hasn't been convenient or feasible to import obscure names. Now, importation is easier, and demand from drinkers is there.
"There are so many great beers we can now get in Utah. Higher-end stuff is more available to us than before," he said.
As a result, Lindzee O'Michaels has a wide selection of beer and spirits, but Liebroder said you're not going to see him bragging about that. His establishment is about offering quality of product, not quantity, he said.
The space was formerly occupied by Kristauf's Martini Bar and fans of its interior will recognize some of the same elements, but Liebroder has also worked to make the atmosphere more relaxed and fun.
"It's New York chic meets dive-bar friendly," he said. "It's an atmosphere anyone can be comfortable in and the price points are both low and high."
Who is Lindzee O'Michaels? Liebroder's daughter's name is Lindsay, his son's name is Michael and he needed to fit his son Zach in there somewhere. The O', he said with a wink, is just because "Irish is international for alcohol."
That kind of fun and silliness is representative of the tone Liebroder is working for. He's got ping-pong tables and new video games and will soon have shuffleboard. He wants his place to feel like home and be somewhere locals can come and stay the evening.
"You shouldn't have to travel up and down Main Street to have fun," he said.
Because the focus is on fine alcohol, in-house food offerings are limited to Polish dogs, but Liebroder said he's worked out a deal with The Bridge Café on the upper floor to bring food down to customers.
The patio offers ample outdoor seating in the shade next to a water feature.
Lindzee O'Michaels isn't actually the full name of the business. Liebroder added "Mixologists" to the end to highlight the talent of his bartenders. He believes he's hired some of the best people in town who bring many of their own concoctions that will be offered on the menu.
Their talent is not adequately described by the title "tender." Liebroder compared the difference to a chef and a waiter. One is a master creator, the other just delivers a product. His people don't serve drinks, they're "mixologists," he said. Lindzee O'Michaels Mixologists- 825 South Main Street, 658-1183

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